
How to use ?

How does Airgari works ? and How to use

First of all open an account.

Airgari makes engagement between Traveler and buyer from different countries.

When you are buyer : If you are in country "X" and want to buy something from country "Y" but doesn't have enough time to go there ! just log in the site and search the Traveler/ seller list   from country "Y" ,  knock them, chat them, place order, pay at  least 10% advance through "Airgari personal wallet" and rest amount pay cash when traveler handover the goods to you

And :

When you are Air Traveler/ Seller : If you are in country "Y" and traveling to country "X",  just log in and firstly insert your trip info then search the buyer list from country "X" ,  knock them, chat them, take order, receive at least 10% advance through "Airgari personal wallet" as security and rest amount receive cash when you handover the goods.

How to use ?

Trading is very simple here.

Step 01: First open an account and log in

Step 02: If you want to buy, must recharge your wallet first by deposit USD to our Bank account. After deposit our team check  will credit the amount to your "Airgari personal wallet" and then submit order. 

To find an Air Traveler to your country please see site body and select "Continue" button and input required information.

Step: 03: If you are seller , first select the button "want to sell" and input your info. You also find notice from interested buyer in your menu option. Remember:  must receive a confirmation at least 10% advance from the deal . This advance is the security for your delivery.

After having the deal completed, please write a review on our/our site blog page . 

for any support or question, please write to :  support@airgari.com